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Character Despcription:

A main character for 3D collaborative project at Savannah College of Art and Design in Winter 07.
Model by Lawrence Koheish.
Texture by Matte
Hair setup by Michael Gellman


Amadeus Jack Rig Demo
Body controllers demo, including spine IKFK, full arm IKFK, finger control attributes, IK fingers, IK legs, etc.
Note: Referred to pre-rigged character PackageMan to build-up whole rig.



Amadeus Facial Setup Demo Reel
: Facial controllers Demo.
Note: Created blend shapes in Maya and Zbrush first, then used the MEL script, written by Jason Osipa, to create complex facial controllers. Jason Osipa is the author of Stop Staring: Facial Modeling and Animation Done Right.



AmadeusRig Test 01
Walking cycle.



AmadeusRig Test 02
Description: Lip -synch peice.
Cradits: Hair setup and animation by Michael Gellman



AmadeusRig Test 03
Description: Motions and hair demonstration.
Cradits: Hair setup and animation by Michael Gellman